Friday, January 15, 2010

2D Animation Order

On to business.
Following order, name and what he/she is going to draw.
Remember it all returns to the eyeball.

1. Mansi - Animal or Robot

2. Jeffrey - Dancer or Jeff Brown Head Rotatioin

3. Shukri - Heavy Weapons Guy or Spy

4. Samuel - Pole Dancer

5. Heidi - Roses

6. Li Wen - Penis

7. Azuwan - Monster Hunter related

8. Edmund - Woman's face

9. Ser min - Steak

10. Alton - Shit

11. Zhong Yan - Bones

13. Wen Ly - Reptilian related

14. An ge - Oh yeah

15. Jin Yuen - Ah bui cake

16. Daniel - Mahou Shoujo

17. Timothy - CSI

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